Monday, March 5, 2012

Loving life

As I near the time for my two daughters to turn 5 months and 17 months! I realize that time flies by way to fast. The huge moments that happen day to day make my heart melt even though to outsiders they seem small. For example Susan rolling over or Emma learning and wanting to color.

I am so grateful that I have the ability to stay at home with my girls. I enjoy playing with them and snuggling them and watching them grow and learn. I have really enjoyed watching them start to interact together.

Growing up the in my mind dreaded question "what do you want to be when you grow up" was always asked and I always was told that a housewife is not a real goal. I dont see why not. A housewife plays many rolls and is working 24/7. While I am still perfecting my role of housewife or homemaker or really whatever title you care to sue, I am loving what I do.

I completed a Bachelor degree in Theatre, a past time that I love dearly. I have come to realize that while I love theatre as well as other hobbies, there was never any one thing that I really wanted to do long term but be a mother.

I have to say now that I am here I have never felt more at home, more fulfilled in what I am doing, more like I am in the right place finally. While my houseworking skills could use some work, my job as mother is going pretty well. The goofy antics of my darling Emma keep me laughing, and the adorable smiles and giggles from my sweet Susan keep me smiling. No matter how bad my day gets these two can turn it around, ha even when they are the cause of it being a bad day.

While Andrew and I are trying to find what our place is, and while finances and other "adult" issues cause stress, I try my best to be like my father and be optimistic. Life is just too short not to love it. So this is me saying that I love my life, the good times, and yes even the bad times. I have wonderful support from friends and family.